The Silly Goose

A journal of my crazy journey to wherever the hell I'm going.
...and stories involving poop.

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Saturday, February 4, 2012


This is a total fail but it was funny how I missed what was going on at first, and then funny how I tried to capture it and couldn't later.

Quick back story.

Wanted to put something cute/funny on FB for Superbowl and Jacob wanted to star in it. So I whipped up a little age appropriate joke for him (which limits the funny) but still cute.

The Joke was simple...

1- knock knock.
2-Who's there?
2-Rob who?
1-Rob Gronkowski

**pause in confusion**
2-That's no Joke!!
1- NEITHER IS THE GRONK!! (hands pounding table)

After dinner I told Jacob to practice with me because Gronkowski is a hard word for a 7 year old. So we started practicing and I wasn't paying attention to Jonah in the back round totally mimicking what Jacob was doing, up to and including the pounding of the fists. But instead of saying "neither is the gronk", Jonah is saying "na-na-na, Donk". I decided to whip out the iPhone and get a couple practice shots
with Jake and it wasn't until the end of this first shot that I realize what's going on...

So I had Jacob say it again and kept it rolling after the Joke. Unfortunately, Jonah had just received his dessert cookies. Now nothing else mattered. At the end he did say what he had been saying, minus the intensity and minus the pounding...

Now in this take you'll notice that not only is he dialed in to his cookies, but right when we're waiting for him to chime in, he notices and disapproves that Anna got one more cookie than him.

After we settled the cookie dispute we tried again... Now he knows what we're waiting for and is just toying with us...

I put the camera down and asked Jacob to do it again and it went perfectly. I picked up the camera and asked Jonah to do the same thing...

Really Jonah? One single clap?!? That just laziness.

Now I had to bribe him with another cookie. I said "just one time Jonah, PLEASE. He shook his head yes and I knew he would give it 100%... (sarcastic)

Oh well. This made it funnier I think!!!

Final product...

Annas Audition FAIL...

GO Patriots!!!!!!!!

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